
Hi, I am Wilko, a music designer, born in 1992 in Germany.
About 22 years after that and some experiments here and there, I took the decision to turn my life-long fascination with music seriously serious and went to The Netherlands to study composition, music and studio production in Groningen in the Netherlands.
Within a short while it became clear which disciplines would become the vessels for my passion: creating music, production and mixing/mastering.
After earning my bachelor degree in songwriting and music production in 2019, I am currently taking a master of music design course at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, also in The Netherlands.
My creative output takes on many forms: electronic, rock, singer-songwriter and electro-pop, while always maintaining a recognizable acoustic and harmonic identity. All of this is inspired by countless hours of listening to my idols such as Brian Burton, Josh Homme, Sufjan Stevens, LORN, Mike Krol, Dan Auerbach, Aesop Rock, Alex Turner, Laura-Mary Carter and Beck.
Emotionally, my music is on the darker or minor-ish side of the spectrum, permeated with rich harmonies and melodies. My production style can be described as deep and intense, maybe a bit obsessive, pushing my limits with every new track.
In my creative process authenticity, integrity and originality are of upmost importance to me. I cherish creative collaborations for their nearly limitless potential to create new and interesting art. To me, combining the two unique musical worlds of the creatives into one piece of art is an amazing experience to take place in.